AliClicks is a global leader in providing Digital Services, Skilled Outsourcing and Consultancy Services for I.T and Telecommunication Networks (DVMs, PDH, SDH, DWDM, OTN, NMS and SCADA systems).

We are the engineers of your projects.

Ali Clicks is an online digital solutions company, We are highly accomplished, professional and Certified Team, providing IT and Telecom Network Management Services, our company offices are in Pakistan and Gulf Region.

Our Services

Planning, Signal Flow, Installation, Operation & Maintenance, Monitoring, Troubleshooting, Implementing, Testing & Commissioning, Programming and Deployment all types of IT & Transmission Networks.

Network Management System, Fault and Risk Management, Telecom Network Control Centers, OTN / DWDM / SDH / SONET / PDH / DVM / DXC, DCN / PTN / LAN/WAN / IP/ MPLS / VoIP/ MDFOTE, Multiplexers / TDM / PCM / FTTX / DPABX / SNCP, Fiber Optics & Electrical Cables / Configurations, Structured & Backbone Cables / Data Center, Routing & Switching / Testing & Commissioning, Installation / Operations & Maintenance / IMCI, Analyze / Diagnose / Troubleshooting/ FAT / SAT, Tele-Protection PSE / Monitoring/FO/Back Office, Planning / Engineering & Designing, Implementations / Core Engineering Support, Supervision / Development / Reporting, Database Management.


Equipment we worked

NEC NMS INC-100 U-Node & CID DVM 60iPlus, ABB NMS FOXMAN-UN & UCST FOX515 EMS, Huawei NMS iManager U2000 for OSN 8800, NetBoss FMS, SNMP Manager, HP OpenView, IMCI, Alstom iNet NMS e-terragridcom DXC, GE NMS VistaNet for TN1U, B/OSS/ IBM Trouble Ticketing Tool.

Our Major Clients

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